Meeting An Identified Need

At a time when conventional funding models and approaches are not delivering the required solutions, we are pioneering practical and intelligent ways to deliver the new homes that the UK urgently needs

Viventi Capital Management is an Investor Developer with the capability to deliver at-scale solutions to the UK’s most fundamental and challenging housing market needs. The UK is facing a massive housing and demographic challenge. At the same time the housing and development sectors have experienced major market correction in response to the 2008 property crash.

There is now an acute need and a huge opportunity for Viventi to utilise its delivery models to bridge expanding demand with an ongoing shortage of housing supply.

We offer a robust process driven approach that is designed to meet supply shortfall and unlock the potential of land assets through large-scale strategic land development.

However, the focus must be on creating the right type of development and meeting the needs of very specific demographic groups. We have established a series of institutional investment platforms where an entirely new funding and operational model is required to deliver at-scale solutions.

In-House Specialisms – We have an experienced core team of investment and development specialists in each of
our core areas, who have delivered large-scale housing, regeneration and strategic land projects across the UK.

Origination – For each new potential investment, the relevant Origination Team will be involved at every stage providing consistency and oversight as well as targeting an investment that meets Investment Strategy and creates maximum return.

Funding – Viventi Capital Management has access to the required levels of institutional investment to deliver at- scale development that meet key supply shortfalls.

Delivery – Through a series of strategic partnerships we have both a pipeline of projects and capacity to deliver projects at the required scale across our key platform areas.

Operations and After Care – We have quality developing partners with Best-in-Class operating partners to set new standards for management, quality and innovation.